The internet is one of the most revolutionary inventions in human history. It changed the planet since its start, but the importance and power of the internet is multiplied each year as the digital revolution rolls forward.
The number of people on the internet grew by about 100 million over the course of a year. In a connected world where many people shop online, you need to always make sure your web presence and digital fixtures are up to par.
You need to revamp your company so that it’s built for the 2023 digital transformation. Learn more by considering the points in this digital transformation guide.
Embrace the Cloud
It pays to embrace the cloud so that your company can serve people in a way that makes the most sense. Cloud computing is a greater than $12 billion industry in the United Kingdom today.
The reason that this industry is growing at such a rate is that it solves a lot of problems for a lot of people and grows the reach of what they can do. People today use the cloud for storage, boosting processing speeds, Software as a Service (SaaS), and a variety of other tasks.
Having your own mobile app is one of the biggest digital transformation trends to embrace today. Today’s smartphone and tablet apps tend to integrate cloud computing processes.
Use the cloud in a way that makes the most sense for your business so that your company can reap the rewards.
Automate Whenever Possible
If you’re hoping to transform your business in today’s world, you need to make automation a top priority. Automation gives you the chance to speed up the way that you do business, scale your services to more people, and buy your time back.
Your workforce will be used more efficiently when many of your tasks are automated and people’s time and efforts can be useful in other parts of the company. Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) whenever applicable and keep embracing this technology as it grows and develops throughout the years. AI is one of the most promising and fastest-growing technology trends in the world right now, and can help you automate several parts of your business.
Make Your Business More Remote
Make sure to transform your company in a world increasingly built for remote activity. There are plenty of people today who work remotely, and these numbers are going to climb year after year.
You’ll be able to work with contractors and full-time employees without ever living in the same geographical region or timezone. This helps you hire people more quickly and also allows you to broadcast webinars and other broadcasts and events.
Your Digital Transformation Guide
These tips are the digital transformation guide you need when you’re trying to take your company to the next level. If you’re interested in making your business competitive in 2023 and beyond, do your due diligence starting with the tips above.
Transformation DNA
Any world-class competitor in sport knows that if they, or their team don’t have the right level capabilities, they have very little chance of success in their sport. I come from an international sporting background and I’ve witnessed first hand how lack of capability in sports translates so well to a lack of capability in digital transformation.
A company’s DNA is made up of many parts, and if certain components are low in digital transformation maturity, their leaders should not realistically expect to achieve an ambitious vision for the future. While tremendous operational capabilities will have been key to their operational excellence, those capabilities are very different to the transformation capabilities required for successful digital transformation.
I’ve adapted Marshall Goldsmith’s book title “What got you here, won’t get you there” for a similar slogan that is relevant to digital transformation, which is “the operational capabilities and culture that got you here, and not the transformation capabilities and culture you need to get there”.
Being one of the world’s finest golfers does not automatically make Tiger woods a good baseball player does it. The same principle applies to operational management and leadership and transformation management and leadership. Being good at one does not make you good at the other. The DNA of operational excellence and transformation excellence are not the same, and no leader should succumb to the illusion that their brilliant operational workforce, can become overnight experts in transformation, because it requires an entirely different set of capabilities.
The leaders who believe their workforce can quickly become transformation experts, eventually see the error of their ways as transformation projects and programmes begin to go very wrong. It happens time and time again in companies all over the world, because leaders under-estimate transformation and over-estimate current capabilities and culture. While managers and leaders might attempt transformation with great ambition, passion, enthusiasm and budgets, after a number of months go by, the consequences of compromised capabilities begin to appear – a bit like the endurance athlete who looked great on the start-line, got off to a good start, but who failed to prepare properly for the full journey ahead.