Wrinkles, acne, dull complexion – these and other skin problems can be the side-effects of eating certain foods. It is by no means that only fast food, fatty, spicy, salty, or overly sweet food brings harm to the skin. Even the ingredients in your diet that are recognized as beneficial to human health can impair your appearance. In this article, we will help you identify which foods are not your skin’s friends.
Products That Can Harm Your Skin
List of foods and beverages that can harm your skin:
- Coffee and Tea
Coffee and tea are invigorating drinks that help you wake up. And in small quantities, coffee is even healthy. But its excessive use leads to dehydration of the body, due to which the integument quickly loses moisture. And this, in turn, causes their peeling, deterioration of complexion.
Coffee and tea also help reduce collagen production, which makes the skin age faster. Drinking more clean water is essential to keep caffeinated drinks less hazardous. Remember to drink a glass of liquid 15-20 minutes after you enjoy your coffee.
- Alcohol
Alcohol addiction is a prevalent problem in many states of the US, including Texas. But excessive alcohol consumption is extremely harmful to your liver and overall health. A healthy liver means healthy skin. That says it all. If the liver is not functioning well, then toxins will accumulate in your body, which will quickly affect your skin condition.
Thus, you need to abandon alcohol consumption for good health. If you want to get information about addiction treatments, the Texas addiction hotline is available 24/7 for help. This service is available in Texas and in other states of the US. This means that instant help is readily available for those in need. So, get it today, for a better health!
- Red Meat
Red meat is a controversial product, both for the condition of the skin and for the general well-being of a person. Yes, it contains a lot of protein, building material for the body, vitamins, and minerals. But for the skin, meat is not the best friend. There are substances in beef, pork, and lamb that stimulate an increase in testosterone levels.
Because of this, the production of sebum gets activated, which leads to clogged pores and acne. Scientists have found that with excessive consumption of red meat, biological aging of the body gets accelerated.
In their opinion, people who include meat in their diet increase the amount of serum phosphate in the blood. Red meat affects the increased formation of phosphorus in the body, which threatens with deterioration of kidney function and premature aging of blood vessels.
- Spices
Spices make the taste of your favorite dishes brighter; some of them have a beneficial effect on human well-being. But the spices loved by many causes’ vasodilation, which makes the vascular network more noticeable, various redness and inflammation appear on the skin. Sometimes acne appears on the face within a couple of hours after eating spicy food.
- Salt
Salt leads to water retention in the body, to which the skin reacts with increased dryness and swelling. An excess of salt in the diet is also indicated by the constant peeling of the integument, the appearance of cracks.
Moreover, you can use a very small amount of an insidious product in its pure form, and the skin condition will still be deplorable. This is because salt is present in large quantities in any processed food. There is excess salt in sausages or semi-finished products, cornflakes, and even cottage cheese.
- Milk Products
Milk, sour cream, cheese, and other foods made from cow’s milk can aggravate the problem of facial rashes. They also often cause the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and puffiness. This even applies to products obtained from cows that ate environmentally friendly grass and fed without additives. Any dairy product contains progesterone, testosterone, and other stimulating substances.
According to experts from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, up to 80% of the total amount of hormones that enter the body with food, a person gets half of it from milk and dairy products. Unsurprisingly, they have a big impact on human hormones, which is why we suffer from acne and other skin imperfections.
- Sugar
Sweet food is the enemy not only for the figure but also for the skin. Sugar triggers the process of glycation – the binding of excess glucose molecules to collagen. But it is this protein that is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
When glycated, collagen ceases to function, due to which collagen fibers lose flexibility. Therefore, wrinkles form on the skin; it becomes flabby. Sugar-rich food is especially dangerous for the skin of the eyelids.
The abundance of sweets in the diet first affects the condition of the area around the eyes. There are a lot of sugars not only in sweets, packaged juices, white rice, and chocolate. This dangerous product is usually hidden. For example, you will find a lot of sugar in yogurts and carbonated drinks.
- Margarine
As in snacks, mayonnaise, butter, as well as in preheated semi-finished products, there are a lot of trans fats in margarine. These are unsaturated fats of artificial origin, which accelerate the aging process, drying out the skin.
Margarine is the main source of “bad” fats. To preserve the youth and beauty of the skin, you must quit both soft and hard margarine and foods with its content—for example, buns, cakes, and street fast food.
Take Away
There is no need to completely get rid of food that is unsafe for the skin. To preserve the radiance of the skin, prevent the appearance of early wrinkles and other imperfections, it is enough to follow the principle of moderation. However, if you are unable to follow this rule, then you will surely have to abandon the above-mentioned products.