A majority of people have sleep issues at some point in their lives. Physical issues, psychological disorders (such as depression or anxiety), or a mix of both might be the reason.
Quality of life can be decreased due to lack of sleep. Some people seek alternative therapies for insomnia, which brings up the topic of marijuana and sleep. The question is, medical marijuana for insomnia: how effective is it?
To learn more on how medical marijuana can help with your insomnia visit TeleLeaf.com and get access to medical marijuana card in Louisiana.
What is Insomnia?
Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall or stay asleep at night, resulting in restless sleep. It’s a common ailment that impairs your energy, emotions, and ability to function throughout the day. If left untreated, insomnia may lead to serious health problems.
Insomnia may be a one-time occurrence or a long-term problem. There are two types of insomnia: short-term insomnia and chronic insomnia.
Stress is a common cause of short-term insomnia, which lasts a few days or weeks. When sleep problems persist at least 3 times per week three months at least, it is referred to as chronic insomnia.
Medical Marijuana’s Effect on Insomnia
Insomniacs are more likely to utilize medical cannabis to help them sleep. Individuals with PTSD and chronic pain are more likely to use medical marijuana for better sleep.
Medical cannabis has been shown in many research to aid with insomnia and increase sleep quality. Patients reported fewer side effects, a better night’s sleep, and improvements in fatigue, anxiety, and social functioning.
Medical Marijuana as Another Method for Treating Insomnia
For ages, the cannabis plant has indeed been utilized as a sleep aid. Medical cannabis provides sedative and calming properties. Because marijuana is a sleep aid, medical marijuana and sleep go synonymously. You may use medical marijuana to help you feel sleepy if you have insomnia and are having difficulties falling asleep since it has a soothing effect.
Medical cannabis, according to the existing scientific evidence, may aid with insomnia by allowing you to fall asleep sooner and remain asleep longer.
Other studies have found that medical cannabis usage lowers the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the average time spent in heavy, rem sleep.
Medical marijuana strains help you to sleep better, for example, specific strains may promote sleep. Indica marijuana strains, for example, are known to be the greatest for putting you to sleep.
Bottom Line: Can Medical Marijuana Help Treat or Alleviate Insomnia?
With so many individuals suffering from sleep difficulties, there has been a surge in interest in one contentious treatment: medical cannabis.
It is widely regarded in the medical marijuana community as a successful therapy for a variety of sleeping problems, with few to no adverse effects.
To begin with, medical marijuana and sleeping go synonymously for certain people since medical marijuana is a sleep aid. When you have insomnia and are having difficulty falling asleep, it can help you feel more tired since it has a soothing and sedative-like effect.
Talk to a qualified Louisiana medical marijuana doctor now! Contact TeleLeaf today for more information on how you may use MMJ to treat your insomnia!